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Devoted to creating Sacred Spaces for Women, and providing safe learning space held with integrity and love, bridging ancestral knowledge inservice to our modern life. The Kalokura Mystery School supports the awakening of your innate gifts, fostering deep Healing and Transformation. Here, we honor the natural rhythms of our feminine cycles and restore full Body Sovereignty, while reclaiming the magic, secrets and deep knowledge of the medicine Woman within. The Kalokura Mystery School emerges as a Sanctuary where ancient wisdom converges with modern psychosomatic healing. This online teaching portal is a refuge for seekers and Women ready to transcend patriarchal systems that continue to shape our world. This Sanctuary reflects my unwavering commitment to facilitating profound and transformative experiences.



Sacred Woman Mentorship

1:1 Women’s coaching, mentoring & healing space

Sacred and transformative spaces for women yearning to delve deeper into their feminine wisdom.


Online Programmes

Learning and Growth space 

Nature-based wisdom, teachings and guided practices to improve your life & find a deeper connection.


Advanced Training and Initiations

Awaken your gifts

A sacred space for initiation and deeper learning, where you'll explore mystical studies, ancestral wisdom, Evolutionary Astrology, and healing arts, connecting to ancient truths and activating your soul's evolution.

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Discover the Shop of  Kalokura

A rich library of guided meditations, unique sacred space invocations & Cacao prayers

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5 axis of Golden Rose Healing 

I work with the Elemental Alchemy & Venusian Rose Mysteries through 5 main axis which are the Foundation of The Golden Rose Healing TM :

Evolutionary Astrology and Self-awareness


Feminine Somatic practices, Womb Healing, Temple Healing arts and emotional awareness

Voice Awakening, Story Telling, Sound healing and Breath

Shamanic, Ancestral, Herbal and Earth Based Medicines


Spiritual awareness, Sacred Purpose & Instinct, Ritual & Ceremony



evolutionary astrology

& self knowledge


The Aether Portal

In the Golden Rose Healing TM, we use Shamanic Intuitive, Venusian & Evolutionary Astrology as our compass. it will reveal the blueprint of your incarnation and purpose, and be an invitation to deepen your Self Awareness. From that foundation we will explore where you are at in your Life and how to best support you to feel balanced, nourished, aligned and expand in your purpose. Strengthening your Intuition, revealing your unique gifts, harnessing the wisdom and alchemising your challenges and hardships. Astrology helps us see the patterns of Time and Energy, to understand better how the Macrocosm mirrors our Microcosm so we can navigate our daily life with more clarity and ease.

3 Key Astrology Axis

With Shamanic Intuitive Astrology we focus on using your birth chart and the current transits as tools to spark a deeper connection to your natural intuition and help you more fully trust your instincts. Here the chart is used as a mirror to confirm and refine what you already sense and know in yourself. Together we support the re-patterning of your Spirit-Mind-Body connection. The signs, planets and placements of your unique chart are used to open questions and self-reflections. We also understand that Planets have their own consciousness as any plants and animal have in the shamanic view of the world. We learn how to connect and communicate with the Divine of each planet and heal their archetypes within our own psyche. With Venusian Astrology we dive fully into how the Goddess (Life) expresses uniquely through you, your feminine Essence and your intuitive gifts. Here we can dive into your relationships, desires, patterns, karmic lessons in all matters of Love. Through this lens we also explore themes such as Self Worth, emotional safety, vulnerability, trust, surrender and the art of Receiving. Venusian Astrology is a portal that connects us with the Rosa Mystica Lineage, Sacred Sexuality and the Ancestral lines of Priestesses. Evolutionary Astrology is a unique branch of astrological practice that delves into the journey of the soul across lifetimes. Unlike traditional astrology, which often focuses only on personality traits and current life circumstances, Evolutionary Astrology takes a broader perspective, emphasizing the spiritual evolution and self development of the individual. This approach gives us keys to the unique empowering process of your Soul and specifically involves the exploration of themes such as reincarnation, karma, and the transformative purpose behind our life experiences.



voice awakening, story telling, sound healing and breath


The Air Portal

Each Woman comes with a unique Story and carries a unique Soul Song. The AIR Portal of the Golden Rose Healing TM weaves Sacred Sounds, Voice awakening and storytelling. Our Breath is in constant communion with Life that unites the body and the Spirit. When we re-learn to breathe correctly, we open a capacity for deep relaxation, trust in the body and clarity of mind. From that reunion with the breath, we enter the following Portals :

Embodied Storytelling

Sharing our Story allows Women to voice their experiences and receive the opportunity to fully be heard. Including Feminine Somatic awareness to the process, enables us to listen to the Body’s wisdom and intelligence. We recognise the Body as the vessel for the narrative and we learn together how to express our stories not only through words but also through somatic expression, allowing the Body to reveal, release and heal. The Golden Rose Healing TM is a safe space to share, explore your life experiences and start to re-write new stories supporting your truth and what you wish to manifest. There you also receive tools to fully embody that New Story.

The Power of Sound

Sound Healing & Voice Awakening practices and Transmissions to support your Energetic Alignment The Golden Rose Healing TM offers a unique approach to Sound Healing and Voice Awakening practices infused with Indian, Shamanic, Egyptian & African wisdom. When we understand that the Vagus Nerve connects our jaw to our Heart to our Womb and that the Throat and the Pelvis are directly linked through Fascia (connective tissue in the body), we understand the value of freeing our Voice and working with Sound as an important part of any Feminine healing and empowering process. The impact of sound on our physical, mental & emotional wellbeing is incredible. In addition to inducing a state of deep relaxation and creative awareness, we can use sounds, songs and vibrations to release many physical and emotional blockages stored deep inside us. You will be introduced to the power of Sound that you can access, not only to free your voice and expression, but also to attune and align yourself with the highest expression of your Life/Destiny. Throughout sessions we will explore : * Sound as a healing modality * Yoga of Sound techniques (vowels toning and mantras) To align our body/mind to our higher self and light body * Manifesting through spoken words & Vibrational magic * How to drop into alternate states of consciousness and activate inner healing mechanisms through Intuitive Singing/Sounding Some benefits of these practice include : ° Liberation of the voice to channel our own Sounds of Healing, inner Alchemy, personal Transformation. ° Womb Healing/Awakening Support & opening of the connection to our natural sensual Nature ° Use of our voice as a tool for connection to the Divine, to our Spiritual Essence. ° Alignment and Activation of our Energy Bodies. ° Liberation & Letting go ° Expansion, opening of the Heart, Well-being, Opening of Intuition & Creativity, Deepening of the feeling of unity with the Whole. ° Clear embodied expression & communication.



shamanic, herbal

and earth based medicines


The Earth Portal

The practical application of supportive tools, Elemental Wisdom and Earth Medicines are a building block of the Golden Rose Healing TM. According to the story of your Body, your astrology and your emotional awareness, you receive or we create together specific blends and recipes of oils, aromatic herbs and elemental practices. In our sessions, Nature is our Teacher. As Women we are stewardesses of mother Earth. In each one of us live an inner Shamaness, a healer, a Sacred Woman. You will be supported in working shamanically with Water, Fire, Earth and Air. We will use medicines such as : Ceremonial Cacao Roses and flowers Sacred Oils and anointing blends Aromatic herbs & Spices Herbal teas Spiritual Baths Fire and Candle work Various Incense & sacred Smokes “To Heal the Earth, let’s start by healing the body of Women” We also practice the ability to attune our body and nervous system to Mother Nature so we start to remember how to receive messages, guidance and healing directly from the Earth. Connecting our Womb to the Matrix of Nature herself to live a more embodied, joyful and connected Life.



spiritual awareness, sacred purpose and instinct, ritual and ceremony


The Fire Portal

Throughout your journey with the Golden Rose Healing you encounter the Fire Medicine each time we enter Ceremony and create Rituals together. Creating and understanding Altars as spiritual technologies, bringing the Sacred into our daily Life in simple, intuitive and practical ways to be in connection with the Spiritual world and integrate it in our physical reality. The Fire Medicine is also and simply the Heart of the Golden Rose Temple Teachings. In understanding Fire, we connect with the key foundations of being alive : Clarity and Purpose, Living from the Heart, tending to the inner flame of our Spirit. Here we awaken Sacred Sensuality, Aliveness in the Body, rekindle our Instinct and Passion. Through the Fire Medicine we learn how to work with boundaries, with our Anger, alchemising strong emotions and walking a life with Purpose.


feminine somatics, womb healing, temple healing arts and emotional awareness


The Water Portal

The Water Portal is the Heart of the Golden Rose Healing TM. In this axis we focus on reconnecting with our core feminine essence, our emotional intelligence, our natural rhythm, our Womb and our Body. We meet the element of Water in a physical, spiritual and shamanic perspective and we explore our personal and collective experience as a Woman living in a woman body through FEMININE SOMATIC HEALING, and implement regular practices from the DESERT ROSE WOMB HEALING®. We learn to awaken the Oracle of the Heart and the Oracle of the Womb. Through the water portal I put great attention to developing emotional awareness as well as trauma awareness. We hold a nourishing, caring, safe space for all parts of you to be seen, received and nurtured back into your unity. You learn to decipher the messages of your emotions in order to restore balance in your life.

Sacred Feminine Somatic Education

We live in a collective era that is the result of unbalanced patriarchal and capitalist systems. “Let’s create an Island of Love, Spiritual Beauty and Sacred Pleasure in our Homes and in our Bodies” My approach is rooted in Softness and Embodied Feminine Wisdom, a powerful remedy to heal the effects of hundreds of years of internalized patriarchy. The GRT-S experience is an exploration of every facet of the woman's journey, awakening the inner healer, shamaness, intuition, and body sovereignty. Within our bodies, echoes the wisdom of thousands of ancestors, shaping our experiences of love, abundance, purpose, inner peace, pleasure, relationships, trust, and alignment. The Golden Rose Temple Somatic Healing beckons women of all ages and origins to reconnect with the power of femininity, Sacred Woman arts, the womb, sensual body, and sovereignty. This offering is catered to your unique needs and desires. It utilizes modalities such as Somatic Practices for Women, Womb Healing, Astrology, Sacred dance and movement, Guided Meditations, Spiritual Baths, Shamanic & Purification Practices, Guided Inner Journeys, Ancestral awareness, 1on1 support/calls, Rituals & Venus Temple Arts. We always start from your Body, what it is holding, what it is expressing We’ll discuss topics such as your experience as a woman, nervous system regulation, childhood trauma awareness, ancestral trauma, rites of passages (first blood, first love, first union, marriage, divorce, etc), healing the Witch wound, Shadow Work, healing slut shaming, the Madonna whore Split, the Healing Home of a Sacred Women, the Moon cycle, reclaiming the feminine rhythm, the art of receiving…



Venusian Healing Arts & Women Empowerment


I decided to devote my practice to helping women heal, reconnect with their Womb Wisdom and access the Goddess/Life Force so “She” can live through us and bless all of our choices and actions in the world. I am passionate about supporting individuals to understand their Life Path, find meaning, excitement, nourishment and a sense of Destiny in their Life. I specifically value holding sacred spaces for Women to activate their inner power, reconnect with their Sensuality and deep Feminine Wisdom. I work in service to the Goddess as she is the embodiment of Light and Life Force on Earth. For me, Goddess and Temple Arts are a natural and intuitive honoring of Mother Earth and Life itself, as she moves through us all.  I always draw upon my rich background of Music, singing and Sound Healing to infuse all of my practices with the power of sound. I use Voice Awakening practices to help you tap into your creative power, intuition, to create more ease in your Body and eventually to attune with the Song of your Soul. “ I work with the forces of Nature and bring back to life the simplicity of Ritual and cleansing

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